Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Going the Distance

I'm on the way home! I am currently writing this in my stopover hotel in South Korea and it's preeeeety nice. Good shower, soft bed, free t'internet. I'm a happy lady.

So one 10 hour flight later and I have watched some rubbish films - for some reason I couldn't concentrate so opted for the crap -  don't judge me cos I'm about to share...
Step Up 3 - horrendous story and acting BUT amazing dance sequences which is really all you watch it for surely.

Morning Glory - I have NOTHING good to say at all.

(2nd half of) Eat, Pray, Love- I used it to help me sleep on the way out and the remaining half worked a treat once again. Self indulgent, sanctimonious blah blah.

However I watched one film that was quite lovely, not a mind blower, not a must-see, just a really charming film. It's called 'It's Kind of a Funny Story' and I liked it.

It's the same selection tomorrow so I decided to save certain films for the remaining 12 hour flight.

Stone - Edward Norton and Robert DeNiro
Jack Goes Boating - Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Conviction - Sam Rockwell

I think you can see what I've done, yup, saved the best for last.

P.S I watched this posts namesake film on the way out - funny and popcorn light plus Justin Long.

Art is moral passion married to entertainment. Moral passion without entertainment is propaganda, and entertainment without moral passion is television. 
-Rita Mae Brown

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