Well Belfast, I have arrived, and you are looking gorgeous!
I am back in Belfast to do a beautiful play, I was in the original production here in early 2010. It was snowing then and freezing cold. I had a great time, made some fantastic friends and so I was delighted to be asked back.
This time it's summer and it's roasting. Belfast looks so lush and green!
My view as I reach rehearsals |
I arrived yesterday morning and went straight to the meet and greet. It was lovely to see so many familiar faces and I'm so excited to be a part of this great production once again.
Last night after unpacking I met up with a great chum of mine, Spaghetti Arms. He was also in the original production but is waaaay busy doing telly and all sorts now. It was so brilliant to see him, we've kept in touch since 2010 and he's now a member of my extended family.
We had a delicious dinner in one of my favourite restaurants here,
Barking Dog. It was divine, the company, the food, the vino. Awesome-ness!
So I'm in rehearsals for the next few weeks, hanging out with Spaghetti Arms when he's about
and HawkandFallow is coming over in a couple of weeks to rehearse and perform in the same theatre I'm at.
Big grins all round - best Belfast return ever!
"Never look back unless you are planning to go that way."
- Henry David Thoreau