Friday, 18 November 2011

Just Read...

This is Yvette Edwards' debut novel and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It created an atmosphere for me complete with smells, tastes, feelings. It was like dipping into someone else's world. Once I finished it I held it for about 5 minutes afterwards, savouring it. I haven't had that feeling about a fictional book for a long time.

If you can, read it. You won't regret it, in fact like me you probably won't be able to put it down.

“Reading a book is like re-writing it for yourself. You bring to a novel, anything you read, all your experience of the world. You bring your history and you read it in your own terms.”
- Angela Carter


Gianella Peralta said...

Hmm. I could give this a try. But first I have to know the synopsis :)

roberto syrious said...

it looks pretty interesting!!!

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